Fall Quarter
202A Proseminar I in Sociology and Social Relations (1). Introduces first-year graduate
students in Sociology and Social Relations to the current research interests of Sociology
faculty, as well as to other aspects of graduate life at UCI and to the profession
of sociology more generally. Prerequisites: graduate standing, consent of instructor.
210A Classical Social Theory (4). Examines the development of classical sociological theory through the writings of Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Georg Simmel, and George Herbert Mead. Prerequisites: graduate standing; consent of instructor.
221A Graduate Statistics I (4). Statistics with emphasis on applications in sociology and anthropology. Examines exploratory uses of statistical tools in these fields as well as univariate, bivariate, and multivariate applications in the context of the general linear model. Prerequisites: graduate standing, consent of instructor.
Winter Quarter
220A Research Design (4). Data collection, organization, and analysis in ethnographic or quasi-experimental settings, including interviewing, participant observations, behavior observations, and questionnaires. Research design issues include sampling, longitudinal research, and comparative research. Emphasis on the integration of qualitative and quantitative data. Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor. Sociology 220A and Sociology 265 may not both be taken for credit.
221B Graduate Statistics II (4). Statistics with emphasis on applications in sociology and anthropology. Examines exploratory uses of statistical tools in these fields as well as univariate, bivariate, and multivariate applications in the context of the general linear model. Prerequisites: graduate standing, consent of instructor.
Spring Quarter
210B Contemporary Social Theory (4). Familiarizes students with twentieth-century developments in social thought that have influenced sociological research, suggesting "what is living and what is dead" in the "classics" and offering an overview of the main outlines of recent sociological theorizing. Prerequisites: graduate standing, consent of instructor.
221C Graduate Statistics III (4). Statistics with emphasis on applications in sociology and anthropology. Examines exploratory uses of statistical tools in these fields as well as univariate, bivariate, and multivariate applications in the context of the general linear model. Prerequisites: graduate standing, consent of instructor.
Fall Quarter
3 Electives
Winter Quarter
202B Proseminar II in Sociology and Social Relations (4). Focus is on second-year research projects, design, development, data gathering, analysis, and preparing both oral and written presentations of the results. Students learn new analytic and writing skills, gain experience with the research process, and become socialized about professional standards, customs, and institutions. Prerequisites: graduate standing, consent of instructor.
2 Electives
Spring Quarter
3 Electives
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