The UCI Sociology Department offers undergraduate Sociology students the opportunity to earn up to four departmental certificates. Each certificate recognizes successful completion of a focused course of study in one of four areas listed below.
Certificate Types
- BUSINESS, ECONOMY, AND ORGANIZATIONS: The certificate recognizes special expertise in the social forces shaping the workplace, organizational structures and the economy.
- DIVERSITY & INEQUALITY: This certificate recognizes special expertise in the racial, ethnic, gender, age and sexual orientation diversity of communities and workplaces.
- GLOBAL & INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGY: This certificate recognizes intensive study of significant global issues and world regions undergoing rapid social change.
- SOCIAL PROBLEMS & PUBLIC POLICY: This certificate recognizes special expertise relevant to developing, implementing, and evaluating programs in education, health care, social work, personnel, law enforcement, and public administration.
Submission details
Please click on the certificate you would like to apply to above to review the requirements. In order to apply, complete the Google Form Application by May 15th (if deadline falls on a holiday or weekend, the due date will be the next working day). ALL certificate applications submitted before May 15th will be processed in the Spring quarter, not earlier.
NOTE: The Google form application for your certificate must be complete to be reviewed. Complete applications must include your unofficial transcripts (and any backup for transfer course, substitution courses, or grade verifications if applicable) to be considered complete. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
For Students Graduating in Spring:
If you are graduating in the spring and would like to receive your certificate in the spring ceremony, but are still completing a course, please still complete the application form by the deadline and Indicate the course information on your application, and note “in progress” next to the course.
For Students Graduating in Fall or Winter:
If you are graduating in either the Fall or Winter, you can still submit your certificate application/s. However, these will NOT be processed earlier. These applications will be processed along with the rest in the Spring quarter, and mailed out to you over the Spring and Summer. Be sure to list a permanent mailing address on your application.
Have Transfer Courses?
Please submit the following via email to Undergraduate Director at and
1.) Your transcripts for all eligible courses
2.) The syllabi for any *non-sociology or non-UCI courses (*cannot be approved without
Course substitutions?
For course substitution requests please submit the following via email to Undergreaduate Director at and
1.) Your transcripts for all eligible courses
2.) The syllabi for any *non-sociology or non-UCI courses (*cannot be approved without
Completing a course over the Summer?
If you are taking a course during Summer Sessions to complete your certificate requirements - once this course is completed, please email and let us know that you have completed your final course requirement.
Completing a course in Spring Quarter?
If you are taking a course in Spring quarter to complete your certificate requirements, email the instructor of the course and ask them to verify that you will finish this course with a C or better. Upload that email, along with your unofficial transcripts, to the application google form.
Course requirements?
For each certificate, you are required to complete FOUR courses in its field with a grade of C or better. Requirements for the certificates may be completed over the course of your academic career here at UC Irvine. You are not required to complete all the coursework in one academic year. Please click on the certificate title at the top of this webpage to view the application and the qualifying courses.
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