Room & Equipment Reservation Calendar
UCI Links
- The School of Social Sciences
- M.A. Program in Demographic and Social Analysis
- The Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
- Social Networks Graduate Program
- Social Networks Journal
- UCI Gender and Sexuality Studies
- UCI Paul Merage School of Business
- The Center for the Study of Democracy
- UCI Housing Office
- UCI Office of Admissions
- UCI Registrar
- Administrative Science Quarterly
- American Journal of Sociology
- American Sociological Review
- Annual Review of Sociology
- Contemporary Sociology
- Contexts
- International Journal of Comparative Sociology
- International Journal of the Sociology of Law
- ISI Web of Knowledge
- Journal of Health and Social Behavior
- Journal of Population Research
- Journal of Urban Economics
- Journal of Vocational Behavior
- JSTOR (on-line journals)
- Population and Development Review
- Public Opinion Quarterly
- Signs
- Social Psychology Quarterly
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- Sociological Forum
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- American Sociological Association
- ASA Sections
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- Pacific Sociological Association
- Eastern Sociological Society
- Midwest Sociological Society
- Population Association of America
- Southern Sociological Society
- Society for the Study of Social Problems
- Society for the Scientific Study of Religion
- Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction
- American Society of Criminology
Government/Data/Research Centers
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Population Studies Center--University of Michigan
- Roper Center for Public Opinion Research
Software/Data/Data Analysis
- SPSS Home Page
- SAS Home Page
- STATA Home Page
- Scientific Software International
- Qualitative Solutions and Research Home Page
- WinMax Qualitative Data Analysis Software
- General Social Survey (GSS)
- National Election Studies (NES)
Job Search
- ASA Employment Bulletin
- Chronicle of Higher Education
- Jobs in Higher Education
- Academic Position Network
Other Sites of Interest
- A Comprehensive List of U.S. Sociology Departments
- Gender Studies Links
- Feminism and Gender Studies Links
- Socioweb
- The World Bank
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