Research by Matthew Rafalow, sociology graduate student, is featured in Psych Central September 5, 2014
Wang Feng, sociology professor, is quoted in the Helsinki Times and Bloomberg News September 1, 2014
An op-ed by Rubén G. Rumbaut, sociology professor, is featured in the San Antonio Express-News August 29, 2014
UCI researchers offer highlights from their studies about work – how we do it, and what we produce
Kristin Turney, sociology assistant professor, is featured in Mother Jones August 26, 2014
Kristin Turney, sociology assistant professor, is featured in USA Today and 9NEWS August 25, 2014
Kristin Turney, sociology assistant professor, is featured in the OC Weekly August 19, 2014
Kristin Turney, sociology assistant professor, is featured by PsychCentral August 16, 2014
Matthew H. Rafalow, sociology graduate student, is featured by Science Codex, Science Newsline and News Medical August 16, 2014
Kristin Turney, sociology assistant professor, is featured by Business Standard, MedIndia, AllVoices, and Daily India August 17, 2014
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