Decennial new edition by UCI sociologist Rubén G. Rumbaut and Alejandro Portes, Princeton University and University of Miami, tells evolving story of immigration to the U.S.
Andrew Penner, sociology, and Emily Penner, education, explain on The Intentional Clinician podcast
Rubén G. Rumbaut, UCI Distinguished Professor of sociology, offers a reflection on the 30th anniversary of the American Sociological Association International Migration Section
UCI social scientists Ian Straughn, anthropology, and Rocío Rosales, sociology, offer perspective
Zotfunder project raising funds to send books to incarcerated individuals whose stories comprise the PrisonPandemic digital archive
UCI-led study examines challenges and opportunities for workers within Amazon's supply chain
New book by UCI sociologist Wang Feng explores China's rise in living standards and challenges ahead
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